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Mental Health Services


When it comes to mental health support, there are different paths to treatment, and four different options are individual, group, in-person, and online counselling.

  • Individual Counselling: It’s you and your therapist, one-on-one. Sessions are tailored to your unique needs. It allows for more in-depth exploration of your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It’s great for those who prefer a more private setting to open up.

  • Group Counselling: It’s space to connect with others facing similar challenges. You can gain insight and perspective from the experiences of others. It reminds you that you’re not alone on your journey. You get to hear from others who may offer a fresh viewpoint on your situation.

  • In-Person Counselling: It’s a direct interaction with your therapist. Therapists can pick up on body language and subtle emotional cues. It offers a safe space away from everyday distractions, dedicated solely to you. It offers a consistent structure, which can be comforting for some.

  • Online Counselling: You can access therapy from the comfort of your home or anywhere with privacy. It’s easier to fit into busy schedules, with options like video or live chat. It’s ideal for those in remote areas or with mobility challenges. It can help reduce anxiety about meeting in person, allowing you to open up from your preferred space.

All options have their strengths, and you can mix and match them too. Whether you're seeking more personalized care or a sense of belonging and connection, counselling can offer a way forward. In the end, what works best for you depends on your current needs and preferences.

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